5 Important Steps To Make Blogging Simple


Even the word makes some people groan in agony. They likely remember the drivel that the internet produced in the 90’s. Fan-fiction and character homage pages. Why did I like Dana Scully so much?

In a word, they were terrible.

But that was before SEO. We all know what Search Engine Optimization is for; to get you in front of more eyeballs. And blogging is SEO’s little cousin. Not only will it help you index more pages and establish a “bigger” presence, but it will show your audience that you have something important to say. You do have something important to say, don’t you?

At ClickHelp, we blog. At first, it was a little scary, but now, it flows like a conversation. Just as you would when sitting down with us over a cup of tea, we impart information out in little tidbits and how-to’s. What? You didn’t know that Facebook is one of the best ways to get business? Click Here. And oh my God, you aren’t serious that you didn’t know there was an APP for that?!? There is, and a whole lot more.

Blogging is a great way to explore without being inundated with sales pitches. But that’s the point. You can’t turn every blog article into a sales pitch, trying to convert every reader into your best customer, ready to spend thousands of dollars the second you snap your fingers. Blogging is a long game. Not just for SEO, but for your audience as well. There are a few things you need to remember about blogging to make your experience easier.

1. You need a plan

You always need a plan. A blogging plan however will make things easier when you sit down to write. You won’t spend nearly as much time coming up with topics if you have a plan to follow.

2. Have high quality pictures

I recognize that you’re blogging not taking photos, but there are two sayings that quickly come to mind: A picture is worth a thousand words and people really do judge a book by its cover. When you have relevant pictures of decent quality, people are more likely to click on the link or the social share post. Who knows, those pictures may inspire your next article.

3. Remember that it’s a conversation

Just like you would speak to me about your widgets or how to use them best, you write it down. Once it’s on paper, or digital paper, you can have someone edit or help you post it. What matters is that you actually write it down. The rest? That’s what editors are for.

4. Set time aside for writing

We get it. You’re busy. That doesn’t mean you should forget the small things. Set time aside weekly to put your thoughts down. It doesn’t have to be much; it just has to be consistent. Skipping a week or two now and then is one thing, but if you find yourself spending more time researching with your eyes closed then you’ve lost all interest.

5. Get Help

I left this until last, because it’s a good idea for you to have a hand in the blogging, even if it’s only a small part. Once you know what the idea is then you can farm it out to an agency or freelancer. There are other ways to get help though. You can get a foil. Just like Sherlock had Dr. Watson, you can have someone question you so you are forced to speak about something. Then all you have to do is record the conversation and you have the basis for a post, maybe even three.

There are many reasons to blog, but don’t let fear or apathy get in your way from getting it done. Get out there and blog. You can do it, even if you don’t think it’s possible. Know what you want before getting help so it becomes all the easier in the end.

If you are looking for help however, check out this article about how to choose the best freelancer.