5 Ways Companies Show Value In A Digital World

5 Ways Companies Show Value In A Digital World

What is your value? By now, you understand that selling on price will eventually make you go bankrupt if you have any competition. You drop, they drop, eventually sales drop, or they don’t, and you’re employees drop because you can’t afford to pay them....
Why A Business Should Always Focus On Value

Why A Business Should Always Focus On Value

Excuse me, but I don’t want your business. Those are odd words to hear and to be honest, most of us think they’d only be spoken if some travesty had been committed. Why wouldn’t you want someone’s business? All that matters is to make money isn’t it? As a business...
5 Things To Cure Writer’s Block

5 Things To Cure Writer’s Block

I’m stuck. I know it happens, but I’m a writer so it shouldn’t. I should be able to sit down and come up with a new blog article in a few minutes. Well, at least it shouldn’t take days. As days pass by with nothing written, I realize I have the dreaded writer’s block....