Do you have an editor?

The act of writing doesn’t come easily for some. The struggle to find the perfect word can be a harrowing experience that takes someone all the way back to their public school days as they raced against the clock to finish an exam that had nothing to do with real life. No one has time to write, let alone edit.

Fast forward twenty years to your first blog post in your newly minted business website and the feelings of helplessness and frustration return. Did you say that right? Was that what you meant?

Even experts in the field can agonize over the placement of words to ensure the quality of the written product is as good as it can be.

It doesn’t matter whether you are creating the post or article for yourself or writing a freelance article for someone else, the prospect of having someone from your audience let you know about a typo or inaccuracy is deflating. The exhilaration of completion was worth a celebration. The prospect of that success being a glaring mistake will affect everyone.

So what can you do about it? Do you just accept the mistake and correct it meekly? Log into WordPress and quietly make the changes as you hope no one else reads your mistakes?

No, you invest in a time machine and a relationship.

The best thing you can do is foster a relationship with someone who may not necessarily have a degree in writing, but does have a keen eye for it. Then, rather than wait to find the mistakes in your writing, be proactive and correct them before you hit publish.

5 ways an editor can help

  1. Correct typos

They happen. You can look at something a thousand times, but a fresh set of eyes will see what should be obvious. It always comes down to their, they’re, and there.

  1. Correct errors in action

When you’re writing for a client, as we do at ClickHelp, it’s important that the client reads the posts and signs off on them. This process will ensure any assumptions are verified and your services are as described. Small assumptions can have large consequences.

  1. Make more sense

Sometimes you can try for hours to make something make sense. An editor can give you a new perspective and like magic, you make more sense.

  1. Make suggestions for additions

When you’re writing, you can become very focused on the message you’re trying to impart. An editor will often open other options for your piece to explore. In fact, they may offer new avenues for your entire business in the process.

  1. Tone it down

When you’re in the heat of your argument you can sometimes get too emotional. An editor can tone down the emotional context so you can relay your message without inciting a riot.

An editor can save you time and money, but most importantly, your reputation. You shouldn’t just settle on one that can do the job, you need someone who wants to do the job. You want someone who has the right emotional balance to your own. When you find them, create a plan so they know the image you have of the final product.

When you make that plan, set deadlines for yourself and your editor. That way you have a clear understanding of your relationship. When you’re on the same page, everything will move faster and you will have a clear, cohesive, and concise message.