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5 Ways Companies Show Value In A Digital World
Showing value in a digital world isn’t as difficult as it seems. By doing the right thing for the customer you will change your conversation from price to value. Just don’t try to compete by reducing your price.
Why A Business Should Always Focus On Value
It’s important to show value to your clients before they worry about price. If you do this job properly, a client will never worry about the price. This article explains the pitfalls of not showing value.
3 Simple Reasons Why You Need Google Analytics
Integrating Google Analytics into your website is one of the first things someone should do when setting up a marketing plan. Analytics can give you a wealth of information.
5 Things To Cure Writer’s Block
I’m stuck. I know it happens, but I’m a writer so it shouldn’t. I should be able to sit down and come up with a new blog article in a few minutes. Well, at least it shouldn’t take days. As days pass by with nothing written, I realize I have the dreaded writer’s block…
The Best Four Ways To Take Advantage Of Google My Business
Google My Business and Google Maps are powerful tools that every business should be taking advantage of to increase their audience and client list.
5 Great Ways To Determine The Quality Of A Company
Your audience is doing their research before they pick up the phone. Are your showing your qualifications properly?